Aunty Lavina is a name commonly echoed in various parts of Hong Kong, whether it be amongst the parents at a Christmas lunch or in the staff room of an ESF school, or at the bus stop with children discussing whether they have finished their homework for “Lavina Math”. Who is she?
Aunty Lavina graduated with a Bachelors in Maths from Delhi University and moved to Hong Kong after marriage. She started tutoring as a means to earn a little more money on the side. Little did she know teaching from a living room of a 2 bedroom house could one day make her the founder of ALEC (Aunty Lavina Education Centre).
As her passion for Maths became pervasive amongst the Hong Kong-ers she became more thorough with the syllabi of Maths in all the different International and local schools. She’s taught students from over 50 different schools in Hong Kong over the past 20 years of her career.
Her relationship with each student never just stopped at Maths, it was always about their overall education and their future ambitions. With that intention in mind, she created a platform, Aunty Lavina Education Centre, to extend that relationship from being a mere teacher towards providing students the teachers who will care about the child’s holistic development to obtain their career goals.