Aunty Lavina is a name commonly echoed in various parts of Hong Kong, whether it be
amongst the parents at a Christmas lunch or in the staff room of an ESF school, or at the
bus stop with children discussing whether they have finished their homework for “Lavina
Math”. Who is she?
Aunty Lavina graduated with a Bachelors in Maths from Delhi University and moved to
Hong Kong after marriage. She started tutoring as a means to earn a little more money
on the side. Little did she know teaching from a living room of a 2 bedroom house could
one day make her the founder of ALEC (Aunty Lavina Education Centre).
As her passion for Maths became pervasive amongst the Hong Kong-ers she became
more thorough with the syllabi of Maths in all the different International and local
schools. She’s taught students from over 50 different schools in Hong Kong over the past
20 years of her career.
Her relationship with each student never just stopped at Maths, it was always about their
overall education and their future ambitions. With that intention in mind, she created a
platform, Aunty Lavina Education Centre, to extend that relationship from being a mere
teacher towards providing students the teachers who will care about the child’s holistic
development to obtain their career goals.

We empower students to become the thinkers of tomorrow
Aunty Lavina Education Centre (ALEC) is an education platform which
encourages growth, eliminates weaknesses and provides holistic
development for all students.
We strive to make learning fun. We encourage Studying in groups to create a
learning environment that’s less rigid and more interactive.
We believe it is our responsibility to provide students with a teacher that best
suits them. Every child has a different personality and having a good teacher
student relationship is the foundation to effective learning.
We work towards inspiring students to discover their passion and guide them to
attain their goals.
ALEC has grown tremendously over the years. It now has a team of over 20 committed tutors that specialize in a wide range of subject areas
suited for varying studentneeds; a far cry from Aunty Lavina’s 2 bedroom house when everything first started. In spite of this, ALEC still maintains a
consistent approach to all its tutoring services,regardless of subject, grade level, or teacher.
ALEC’s teaching philosophy can be summed up in 3 things: Encouraging Growth, Eliminating Weaknesses, and Providing Holistic Development. These
3 principles arethe cornerstone of an ALEC education, and our commitment to and belief in these principles set us apart from all other tutorial centres.
By faithfully adhering to these,ALEC believes that we are giving our students the best possible chance to succeed

Encouraging Growth
We believe wholeheartedly that tutoring is not a mere stop-gap measure that addresses deficiencies and plugs holes in student learning and leaves it at that. We go the extra mile and see to it that our students improve in many other facets of their academic lives.
We are in the business of making students BETTER, full stop. In all our subject areas, we promote this principle by having a complete curriculum per subject that not only focuses on specific problem areas but gives a thorough education and aligns with the regular school curriculum.

Elimination Weaknesses
We believe that to make students BETTER we have to help them overcome their specific academic limitations. But even more than that, we also have the responsibility to get students to become more confident and to believe that they have what it takes to do better.
Usually struggles in a particular concept or lesson are mere symptoms of an even bigger problem: lack of belief in one’s abilities. We have tutors that help address this by providing a safe, no-judgment environment and by making students active participants in their learning (and not just passive recipients).

Holistic Development
And finally, we believe that tutoring is not just about creating better Maths students, Science students, or English students. Being good in Maths, Science and English all require a basic set of skills, that when put to use, makes students thrive better in an academic setting. We aim to cultivate these interdisciplinary skills and habits so students can excel in all fields and not just the area they enrolled in.
